
该考试预约和排班系统适用于允许或要求学生在现场监考环境中完成课堂考试的在线课程. These exams will be proctored in Tivoli Room 347. 如果课堂考试需要使用此服务监考,教师将通知学生. Please review the directions and policies listed below.

对于2023年春季学期,考试服务中心将提供周一至周五上午9点至下午3点的预约开始时间. Beginning February 7 extended evening hours will be available on Tuesdays.

Students may schedule appointments for online exams using the link below.

  • Faculty will contact students as soon as an exam is available to schedule. 按照您的导师提供的链接直接进入预约系统并安排考试预约.
  • 学生也可以通过在学生中心登录学生档案(自助服务横幅)来访问考试预约系统. 然后, click the four square icon in the top left corner, click “students” then click “Online Course Test Reservations.”



Important policies and procedures for place-based online class testing:

  • 考试服务要求所有学生预约在线课程的现场考试.
  • 学生应在指定时间到达蒂沃利学生会347室,并携带相应的测试材料和带照片的身份证件. Students without a valid picture ID may not take an exam. Please bring your ID, a picture of an ID is not acceptable.
  • No children are permitted in the testing rooms. Students may not leave children unattended in the Testing Services lobby.
  • 考试服务中心不会向学生收取任何额外的课程材料,包括家庭作业.
  • Appointment times available according to predetermined time blocks. Some time blocks may fill quickly, 因此,为了避免错过您喜欢的考试时间,请在收到考试通知后尽快安排预约.
  • 学生必须按时到达预定的约会地点,否则将面临重新安排或可能取消的风险. 考试服务中心可能会拒绝未能在预定时间到达的学生的座位.
  • 学生有责任就试题辅助工具(如答题卡)与教授进行沟通 & calculators), deadlines, and required test materials.
  • All tests are administered according to instructions provided by the faculty.
  • No personal belongings such as hats, 外套, 食物, 饮料, 移动电话, 耳机, 聪明的手表, 掌上电脑, purses or backpacks allowed at your seat while testing.
  • Upon arrival students will place all personal belongings in a locker. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Use of an electronic or web-enabled device such as a smart phone, 聪明的手表, 平板电脑, 未经授权的援助, failure to follow testing procedures, 或从事任何类型的不当行为可能导致从测试服务办公室解雇.


If you have additional questions relating to testing policies or procedures, please call Testing Services at: 303-615-1700

On-campus, place-based proctoring for online courses - Information for Faculty


密歇根州立大学丹佛 faculty teaching Online courses may use this service:

  • 用于在线课程中使用的纸笔考试,要求学生在现场监考地点出勤. Students may test at 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 测试服务办公室 for these exams. 请注意,教师还必须允许学生在其他地点监考. Students unable to report to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 for a place-based exam from an online course must locate a proctoring service in their area; faculty will then correspond with that external proctoring service regarding exam details.
  • 对于那些, 不管出于什么原因, 不愿意使用在线课程提供的虚拟监考服务(通常是Canvas/ProctorU)完成在线考试. 在这种情况下,教师可能会为学生提供在密歇根州立大学丹佛测试服务办公室进行测试的替代选择. 根据要求,将为班上所有学生提供基于地点的替代考试. 有关此选项的问题,请咨询测试服务部门的Russell Reynolds.

To see a copy of the Online Cover Sheet, 请阅读本页,然后点击本页底部的“在线考试封面”链接.


The Testing Center is located in the Tivoli Building, Room 347. For additional questions, call 303-615-1700. 网上课程的另类分班监考服务为监考提供了一个可控的环境. Only online courses at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 may utilize this service, 在任何情况下,学生都必须允许额外的监考选择,如ProctorU虚拟监考服务或替代地点监考服务(在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校以外的地点监考)。.

  • Submit all Online exams with a completed Online Exam Cover Sheet.
  • 考试中心只允许闭卷、闭卷、完整的考试(不允许小测验). Include any reference material, such as formulas or tables, within the exam.
  • 当使用Canvas进行考试时, 确认考试设置, 日期, and passwords before submitting the Online Exam Cover Sheet. “测试服务”无法访问您在Canvas上的课程,也无法查看, 改动, 更改或添加任何内容.
  • Deliver only one exam at a time for each course, Testing Services does not allow overlapping exam 日期 for a course.
  • 教授同一门课程的多个部分的教师应该只交一张封面,上面列出每个CRN,中间用逗号分隔.
  • For paper-pencil exams place one exam per student in a single envelope. The top of the first page of each exam must include the following information:
    • 老师的名字
    • 留空学生姓名
    • 课程名称CRN前缀
    • 测试说明(1).e. 计算器允许)
    • 试验编号或名称(1).e. 考试一、考试二、期中考试)


  1. 所要求的测试时间长度不得超过课堂时间块的长度, except during finals week when the time limit is two hours. In no case may exam time exceed two hours in length.
  2. 考试中心根据考试封面上的说明管理考试. Include specific instructions to the student on page one of each exam.
  3. The Testing Center does not provide envelopes or make copies of exams.
  4. We require students to write their name on each exam for security. Faculty must deliver paper exams to the Testing Services in TV 347.
  5. For security reasons, do not send exams through inter-campus mail or fax.
  6. 考试服务中心不会向学生收取或分发任何额外的课程材料, 包括家庭作业.
  7. Inform students of all Testing Center policies.
  8. Children not permitted in testing rooms. Students may not leave children unattended in the Testing Services lobby.
  9. Once an exam is on file in the Testing Services, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule an appointment. Students without an appointment may not be able to take an exam.
  10. 考生应携带相应的考试材料和带照片的身份证,在指定时间到达347台. Students without a valid picture ID may not take an exam.
  11. 如果发生作弊, 皇冠官网网站将收集所有材料,并由考试中心主任通知教职员和学生行为办公室.

一旦一个时间段满了,学生将不得不选择不同的日期和时间. 所有课程部分的密码可以相同,但每次考试都应更改密码. This is extra security for your exam. 请务必将密码誊写给皇冠官网网站,大写为大写,小写为小写.

点击下面的链接, 您同意上述评估和测试的政策和程序.